
Our plastic templates are made for many uses- computer keyboards, drawing aids, marking templates, measurements, profile identification, thickness etc.
Preview Plastics templates for consistancy and reliability.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct; sales@preview.com.au

From thin promotional give-away scale rulers and set squares to quality acrylic squares for dressmakers, special purpose rulers and protractors for aviation navigation, pocket size scale rules for interior designers and other trades needing to read building plans.
From every angle you’ll get a square deal from Preview Plastics.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct; sales@preview.com.au

We have produced many plastic products with sliding or rotating parts to calculate areas, equivalents, angles, quantities, conversions etc. Because of our wide range of equipment which enables us to print, cut, punch, bend, eyelet etc we are usually able to manufacture the product that you have in mind.
You can count on a job, measurably better, from Preview Plastics.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct; sales@preview.com.au

Made from tough, unbreakable polypropylene, plastic gauges can be made for many applications. We have produced measures for lobsters, crabs, abalone, profiles, diameters, lettersizes, depths etc.
If you need gauges, engage the professionals, Preview Plastics.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct; sales@preview.com.au

We can print custom rulers on flat plastic sheet which can be cut to any shape or size
to suit the application. Scales can be metric, imperial, typist, print columns, building scales, air navigation, pain gauge, fish gauge, wool depth or planting depth, etc.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct;

Our standard rulers are 300mm or 230mm, injection moulded in clear or any colour poly styrene (S.A.N.), they have a flat centre section for printing and tapered edges for the scales. The dimensions can be metric, imperial, typist or building scales..
For the best promo rulers… Preview rules.
For more information or prices e-mail us direct; sales@preview.com.au

Bookmark rulers are a great item to consider for promotion. They can be easily slipped into a bag or pack, or popped inside a book or folder. Full range of print options available. Check out the samples on your right!
Mark my words, Preview Plastics is the place to note.
For more info or prices, e-mail a sample of your artwork to: – sales@preview.com.au
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